


  • Active Substance: Alecitinib
  • Name: Alecensa©
  • Therapeutic area: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
  • Pharmaceutical company: Roche Pharma AG


Time table:

  • Publication of project plan: 20.10.2018
  • Publication of final assessment: 23.01.2018


Assessment information:

  • Title: Alecitinib as monotherapy for the first-line treatment of adult patients with ALK-positive advanced non-small cell lung cancer
  • Author/Co-Author: TLV (Sweden), HVB (Austria), AAZ (Croatia)
  • Dedicated Reviewers: NICE (UK), Regione Veneto (Italy), AETSA (Spain), NIPN (Hungary)
  • Information retrieval: IQWiG (Germany)
  • Observer: MoH (Malta) 

› G-BA assessment available (D-326)